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The Language of Heaven 
For more information, to hear the music
and to buy


Romantic Splendour of Wales
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to hear the music
and to buy

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$16.95 per CD.
To buy please go to
Language of Heaven page
or Romantic Splendour of Wales page


Description Price Shipping and handling US Shipping and handling International
The Language of Heaven $16.95

$3.95 for one CD
95 for each additional CD

$7.95 for one CD
50 for each additional CD
Romantic Splendour of Wales $16.95 $3.95 for one CD
95 for each additional CD
$7.95 for one CD
50 for each additional CD

Phone: 512 282 4242    Email:michaeljlewis@earthlink.net

Copyright © 2004 bluediamondmusic